Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Ohio GOP Election Officials Ducking Subpoenas as Kerry Enters Stolen Vote Fray

Ohio GOP Election Officials Ducking Subpoenas as Kerry Enters Stolen Vote Fray: "Ohio GOP Election Officials Ducking Subpoenas as Kerry Enters Stolen Vote Fray
by Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman

COLUMBUS -- Ohio Republican Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell refused to appear at a deposition on Monday, December 27. The deposition was part of an election challenge lawsuit filed at the Ohio Supreme Court. Meanwhile John Kerry is reported to have filed a federal legal action aimed at preserving crucial recount evidence, which has been under GOP assault throughout the state."

Reelection Honeymoon With Voters Eludes Bush, Polls Say

Reelection Honeymoon With Voters Eludes Bush, Polls Say: "Despite a clear-cut reelection and the prospect of lasting GOP dominance in Congress, President Bush prepares to start his second term with the lowest approval ratings of any just-elected sitting president in half a century, according to new surveys."

Links to horrific photos of Falluja tragedy

These come from American, Dahr Jamail's website. Warning!!! They are extremely graphic.
