Our war against the Iraqi people needs to end
Knowing what I know of the Vietnam War, I believe the likelihood of
atrocities occurring in Iraq is high.
We know that prisoners in Iraq have been abused, sexually
humiliated, and tortured. A visit to http://www.iraqbodycount.net/
shows that they report a minimum of 14,620 civilian Iraqi deaths. They
do all they can to substantiate each civilian death. Other sites have
reported civilian death rates in Iraq as much higher based on
From what I understand, the context of the kind of warfare we are
engaged in in Iraq engenders a close bond between troops. Since many
casualties occur among troops on both sides, emotions run high and may
be acted upon. We also know that the abdication of personal
responsibility (as demonstrated by Milgram) in the face of
authoritarian commands also results in the likelihood of war crimes
being committed. Add in the stresses of climate, possible sleep
deprivation, and especially fear and a stage is set for the kinds of
acts that the Canadian deserter asserted took place.
In addition, there now seem to be many accounts of continued use of
chemical weapons by American troops. In fact, we have already admitted
to the use of Napalm in 2003.
In my mind, and especially since We attacked Them, we are now the
terrorists and they are a people defending their homes and families
using whatever means they have at their disposal. The destruction of
Fallujah, in my mind, represents a low point in American History.
We need, in my opinion, to call an emergency session of our
legislature. They should, I believe, come up with a coherent plan for
expedient disengagement.
This war is turning the world against us, draining our financial
resources, killing and injuring American men and women, turning
American men and women into war criminals, killing and injuring
thousands of innocent foreigners, and diverting attention
from issues and problems (such as the genocide in Darfur) both abroad
and at home that need to be addressed.
To do otherwise, I strongly suspect, would be both dangerous, foolish,
and immoral.
Please write a letter to your representatives today, uring an end to this war! You can do so at: