Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Moving is the Answer and John Perkins

This blogger has an interesting idea:


Does anybody here watch Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman on cable? She does an hour of 'real' news every morning. Those with broadband can watch her here: http://www.democracynow.org/streampage.pl

She had an interesting interview with John Perkins, whose written a book called "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"

He claims he was recruited by the National Security Agency to participate in an economic/political scheme to take over 3rd world countries economically.

Here's a quote from a recent review of this book at Amazon.

Author John Perkins has written a most thrilling adventure and most amazingly, it is his own true story of a dramatic awakening of his social conscience. As the chief economist for a secretive international consulting firm with close ties to U.S. intelligence, he was in the jockey position for numerous under-the-table deals, which led underdeveloped countries to take out huge loans that in turn, led to contracts for U.S. multinational corporations like Bechtel and Halliburton. This book reflects an act of great risk for Perkins, as for years, the self-dubbed "economic hitman" intentionally made unpayable loans to foreign governments in order to provide the U.S. government a monopoly over the economic and political resources of the indebted nations. The National Security Agency held his mercenary tactics in high esteem, and he lived in great affluence as a result.

The transcript of the interview with Amy Goodman is here


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