Sunday, November 21, 2004

Voter Fruad evidence and an action link

Sunday, November 21, 2004
Voter fraud evidence

Dear Friends,

When actress Susan Sarandon appeared on the Bill Maher show over the weekend, he asked her what is the biggest issue we face as a nation.

Her reply was "voter fraud."

The usually knowledgeable Maher had no idea what she was talking about. When he asked, she replied: "Something BIG is about to happen."

What I'm about to tell you is going to be hard to swallow at first. But if you're like most of us, once you start looking at the evidence, you'll scrape yourself off the ceiling, put your eyeballs back in their sockets, and you'll try to figure out what to do. So here it is.

The highest crime in the history of our country took place on November 2nd. The evidence is now mounting (into a HUGE mount-ain) that the election was stolen. There is already a congressional investigation underway and a consumer investigation (headed by Ralph Nader).

Electronic voting machines that were manufactured by supporters of the Republican Party were used to alter the will of the people.

The internet message boards and chat rooms are bursting with talk about this. You can wait another couple days to hear about it in the mainstream media, or you can read on. Just remember where you heard it first.

I will outline the key points in this email and provide a link with much more information at the bottom. More information is coming out literally by the minute.

The election was stolen with not just one tactic, but with several.

Key points

"Black Box" Electronic Voting Machines The key to it all was the use of electronic voting machines, that produce no paper trail. These were manufactured mainly by the two companies ESS and Diebold. Both of these companies are big supporters of the Republican Party. Walden O'Dell, the owner of Diebold, said in a 2003 fundraising letter that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." Similarly, Chuck Hagel, the owner of ESS used his own machines to get elected to the United States Senate in Nebraska.

A bill was introduced in the House and Senate to outlaw these machines and require a paper printout of each vote so that they could be verified and/or recounted. The bill was stalled by the Republican Party, led by Senate Majority Leader Tom DeLay, and it was not allowed to come
to vote.

Shortly after the November 2rd election, countless stories of problems with the machines began to surface. Many people tried to vote for Kerry and said that when the final confirmation screen came up it said they voted for Bush.

In one precinct in Ohio, 4,258 votes were given to Bush were there were only 638 registered voters. Many more stories about the black box voting machines, their problems, and the investigation into their tampering are circulating. is leading the way in the investigation to proving the results were tampered with.

Exit Polls

Exit polls were taken in every state. In those states that had verifiable paper trails for their ballots, the exit polls were virtually the same as the real results. However, in the states where electronic voting machines were used, the exit polls were mysteriously very different from the final reported totals. You can view the exit poll data directly
yourself with the link at the bottom of this email.

Unusual Results In the areas where computers were used to cast votes or tally them, some very strange results have surfaced. Here is just one example. In Baker County, Florida, there are 12,887 registered voters, 69.3% of them regsitered Democrats and 24.3% of them Republicans. The vote was only 2,180 for Kerry and 7,738 for Bush. Are we supposed to believe that 5 out of every 7 registered Democrats voted for Bush?

This pattern repeats itself in many Florida counties. You can view all the raw data for every Florida county at the link at the bottom of this email.


In addition to the electronic voting machines, there was widespread voter intimidation and disenfranchisement on election day. In many democratic areas, people waited hours to vote, while Republicans "challenged" voters' rights to vote, forcing them to fill out a provisional ballot instead of a real ballot.

The provisional ballots were not counted on election day and we may never know how many of them there were, or what rules will be used to qualify them. Flyers were sent to democratic areas with an array of false information on them. People were told their voting precinct had
changed,that their voter registration was not valid, or that they would go to jail of they tried to vote. The list of shenanigans goes on and on.

You can see the some of the flyers that were sent out and read about more of the shenanigans at the link at the bottom of this email.


This is not conspiracy theory.
This is not hearsay.
There is evidence.
There are witnesses.
There are investigations underway.

Three Congressmen have sent a letter to the General Accountability Office requesting urgent action and an investigation. Ralph Nader is leading a consumer investigation into voter fraud countrywide, and has already filed an official challenge to the voting results in New

You can read the letter to the GAO and more about Nader's efforts at the link below. They will call us sore losers. They will have their lawyers and computer experts too. They will refute the evidence. But the truth is on our side and we will prevail.

Here is the link to the information, if you would like to look into the details and become more aware of the biggest story about to break.

What we need now is for the information to get out to more people. The mainstream media will bury this until it's shoved down their throat.

So please forward this email to your friends and family. If every person tells 3 other people, everyone will know before the media decides to wake up.

Gary Beckwith

Graduate students put statistics to the test and find 'ghost' votes for Bush.

t r u t h o u t - MIT Scientist Backs Berkeley Voting Report
MIT Scientist Backs Berkeley Voting Report: " Berkeley: President Comes Up Short
By Ian Hoffman
The Tri-Valley Herald

Friday 19 November 2004

Graduate students put statistics to the test and find 'ghost' votes for Bush.

In the nation's first academic study of the Florida 2004 vote, University of California, Berkeley, graduate students and a professor have found intriguing evidence that electronic-voting counties could have mistakenly awarded up to 260,000 votes to President George Bush.

The discrepancy, reported Thursday, is insufficient by itself to sway the outcome of the presidential race in Florida, but the UC Berkeley team called on Florida elections officials for an investigation.

'This is a no-vote-left-behind kind of project, not a change-the-president project,' said UC Berkeley sociology professor Michael Hout, who oversaw the research. 'We're as interested in the next election as the one just over.'

Broadly speaking, the UC Berkeley team found that President Bush received tens of thousands more votes in electronic-voting Democratic counties than past voting patterns would have suggested. No such pattern turned up in counties using optical scanning machines.

The UC Berkeley report has not been peer-reviewed, but a reputable MIT political scientist succeeded in replicating the analysis Thursday at the request of the Herald and The Associated Press. He said an investigation is warranted.

'There is an interesting pattern here that I hope someone looks into,' said MIT Arts and Social Sciences Dean Charles Stewart III, a researcher in the MIT-Caltech Voting Technology Project."

Click the title of this blog to read the rest of the story.