Republicans will do anything to win an election!
I got this email from my sister today
Hi - Are you following the governor election in Washington state? The Republicans are now pushing for a new election.
I think the Democrats need to be hyper-vigilant in this "fight." The Republicans have demonstrated time and again they will stop at nothing nor hesitate at stooping as low as possible to get what they want. They're already starting with the propaganda ads a la "Swift Boat Veterans" to stir things up, claiming GIs did not get a chance to vote.
I think it's just a matter of time before Cheney (Carl Rove, et al.) steps in. In their ads, the Republicans are urging citizens to sign a petition to lobby for a new election. This is going way too far. Especially when everyone knows that if the election had come out in their favor, they would not be asking for a new election. Can you put something about this on your website? Thanks -
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