Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Alberto Gonzales is the wrong AG Let your senators know!

Dear friend,
I hate to start the New Year with bad news, but the Senate is about to consider Alberto Gonzales' nomination to become Attorney General, replacing John Ashcroft. Gonzales is the White House counsel notorious for opening the door to torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay prisons. Senators should view the Gonzales nomination very skeptically, given this radical history. As part of the upcoming hearings, we can call on Senators to ask Gonzales to unequivocally renounce torture as an instrument of American policy.
Join me in asking Gonzales and Senators to prohibit torture by clicking here:

I added the following short statement when I sent this at Moveon's site:

We supposedly fight for the freedoms guaranteed us in our constitution. We supposedly stand for liberty and justice for all (see the pledge of allegiance). Torture in the name of Freedom is still torture. Therefore I urge you to support the declaration against torture included in this email.


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