Want to go to Louisiana?
One Last Fight
by Trapper John
Thu Nov 18th, 2004 at 19:12:59 PST
Being the poli-junkies that you are, you probably knew that thanks to Louisiana's typically unusual election law, there are two races yet to be decided in the 2004 campaign. Willie Landry Mount (LA-7) and Charlie Melancon (LA-3) both face runoffs on December 4, in the last push to give Nancy Pelosi a bigger army with which to fight Denny Hastert and the Sugarland Princess.
This isn't a nag to donate. God knows we've seen enough of those for at least, oh, the next four months or so. (Of course, if you're dying to give one last time, both candidates and the DCCC are asking.) No, this is a lot cooler. The DCCC is going all out for these last two races -- they're willing to pay your room and board (and, in some cases, airfare) if you're willing to head down to Cajun country to ply your canvassing skills, which are undoubtedly honed from knocking on doors for Kerry.
This won't be for everyone. But for anyone who wants to do something to take one last shot for economic justice and civil rights before W II begins in earnest -- this could be fun. As we saw in 2002, when Mighty Mary Landrieu beat back the entire Republican Party, a late Louisiana victory can be the silver lining on the darkest election season.
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