Election 2004 - Whooah Baby!
OK... This is unedited...and contains alot of useful information. Note- when you get to the links - The SECOND link is the live link and will work..
Go get em!
First I post the actions you can take and then I post the accumulated evidence that something is affot.
First, we have to focus attention.
Rally and nonviolent civil disobedience
Wednesday, November 10, Noon
San Francisco Federal Building, 450 Golden Gate, plaza side
--We demand a thorough, impartial, and immediate investigation into electoral fraud, racially based suppression of voters, and a full count of all provisional and absentee ballots and "spoiled" votes.
--We demand that the December 13 electoral college vote be suspended, if necessary, until these questions are resolved. The legitimacy of our government is compromised
when the integrity of our electoral system is in question.
Reclaim the Commons
Democracy Defense Committee _www.beyondvoting.org_ (mip://06d9b208/www.beyondvoting.org)
Send Donations to: (http://blackboxvoting.org/)
Blackboxvoting.org and its founder, the heroic Bev Harris, have been warning
about impending blackbox electoral coup for years. Read her groundbreaking book Blackbox Voting--if you can find a copy.
Now, Harris and her volunteers are filing the biggest Freedom of Information Act records request in history, to obtain audit records on every precinct in the country. This is going to be expensive. They need your contributions.
The website is overloaded and frequently downed by hack attacks, so to relieve the pressure, send your donations by postal mail to:
P.O. Box 25552
Seattle, WA 98165
Also, send donations to (http://www.eff.org/) . The
Electronic Frontier Foundation has been instrumental in all litigation across the country relating to e-voting (electronic voting).
Send donations to (http://www.verifiedvoting.org/) and
(http://www.votersunite.org/) and
_www.ballotintegrity.org_ (mip://06d9b208/www.ballotintegrity.org) . These organizations have been getting the word out about what's dangerously, stupidly wrong in this country's electoral process.
FAX Ralph Nader, 202-265-0092, and tell him to file for recounts and re-examinations of the tally in the states in which he was on the ballot.
Write to Rep. John Conyers (D - Mich), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary committee on the Constitution, who has requested a General Accounting Office investigation of the 2004 election. Tell him you support the request and that you want him to push for congressional hearings to be held as soon as possible.
Contact Information for Rep. John Conyers:
Washington DC e-mail address:
Or go to his site at: http://www.house.gov/conyers/)
Washington DC office address:
2426 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-2214
Phone: 202-225-5126
Fax: 202-225-0072
_http://www.recountohio.org_ (http://www.recountohio.org/) sends these
Contribute $10.00 (_http://www.recountohio.org_
(http://www.recountohio.org/) ) or more to fund the recount in a precinct with e-voting in Ohio
Sign the petition (_http://www.recountohio.org_
(http://www.recountohio.org/) ) and tell Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell to recount the votes.
"I was tipped off by a person very high up in TV that the news has been locked down tight, and there will be no TV coverage of the real problems with voting on Nov. 2. Even the journalists are pretty horrified. My source said they've also been forbidden to talk about it even on their own time, and he was calling from somewhere else. He was trying to figure out how to get the real news out on vote fraud."
(interview with Bev Harris, of blackboxvoting.org)
Break the Embargo
_http://capwiz.com/thenation/issues/alert/?alertid=6620701&type=ME _
A "media blaster" contact list for newspapers nationwide, organized by The
Nation magazine
Also a media contact blaster service, prepared by democraticunderground.com
We need these and other national web-based organizations to direct their communications power to this national emergency. Flood them with e-mail appeals.
PFAW.org (People for the American Way)
(Add your own nominations. Send ideas to _dan@r..._
(mailto:dan@r...) )
PRESURE Kerry and the DNC
Write to the DNC and ask why Senator Kerry capitulated so quickly -- before the information on the vote tallies was even beginning to come in. Tell them that Senator Kerry needs to take back his concession.
Democratic National Committee
430 South Capitol St SE,
Washington, DC 20003.
Tel: 202-863-8000.
Their web-site is: _http://www.democrats.org_ (http://www.democrats.org/) .
Contact the Kerry campaign and tell them that he has done a great disservice to the American people by capitulating so quickly -- before information could be gathered. Tell him to reconsider in light of all that is coming to the surface.
Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc.
P.O. Box 34640
Washington, DC 20043
202-712-3001 (fax)
202-336-6950 (TTY)
_ESSENTIAL ARTICLES_ (http://ustogether.org/Florida_Election.htm)
Evidence Mounts that Vote was Hacked, by Thom Hartmann
The Ultimate Felony Against Democracy, by Thom Hartmann
Kerry Won by Greg Palast
Greg Palast reveals how ballot "spoilage," voter suppression tactics, and touchscreen machines rigged the vote in OH, FL, and NM Bush's Incredible Vote Tallies, by Sam Parry
Tuesday's Election Disaster, a comprehensive essay by William Rivers Pitt
(http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=20040816&s=dugger) Ronnie Dugger sounded a warning 3 months ago describing how Bush would steal this election
_http://www.gregpalast.com/printerfriendly.cfm?artid=29 _
Greg Palast detailed how the election was stolen in Florida in 2000
_http://www.blackboxvoting.org_ (http://www.blackboxvoting.org/)
Website for Bev Harris, the original blackbox reporter, now pursuing largest
FOIA request in history to audit election records in every county
_crew@b..._ (file:///Users/DAN/Desktop/crew@blackboxvoting.org)
Send an e-mail to volunteer to help blackboxvoting.org gather audit information from voting precincts across the country
Election incident reporting system (1-800 OUR VOTE) Interactive map, database to incident reports in all states
Compilation of problems reported in the media about the 2004 general election; searchable by date, state, and problem type.
A smoking gun chart of systematic statistical improbabilities in Florida
_www.Nov3.US_ (http://www.nov3.us/)
The single most comprehensive informational and organizing site on the
stolen election.
A national webpage and e-newsletter launched by the "No Stolen Election" coalition, initiated in September of 2004 as a joint project of _United for Peace & Justice_ (http://www.unitedforpeace.org/) , _Global Exchange(http://www.globalexchange.org/) , _Code Pink_ (http://www.codepink4peace.org/)
, and The _Liberty Tree _ (http://nov3.us/calltoaction.php) Foundation for the Democratic Revolution.
_This Time We're Watching_ (http://www.ttww.org/watch/index.shtml)
Training for community-based rapid mobilizations in response to election
_Beyond Voting_ (http://www.beyondvoting.org/)
_Election Protection Coalition_ (http://www.electionprotection2004.org/)
The nonpartisan Election Protection coalition trained and deployed tens of thousands of volunteers at polling places in primarily African-American and Latino areas where rights are most at risk.
Organizing Communications
_http://www.nov3.us/media.php_ (http://www.nov3.us/media.php)
Post media inquiries, coverage, and releases here
_http://meetup.radicaldesigns.org/_ (http://meetup.radicaldesigns.org/)
A "Meetup" style event calendar for planning, posting and coordinating Stolen Election protest demonstrations
_http://www.txtmob.com_ (http://www.txtmob.com/)
A text-messaging network developed by Code Pink
INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM: Documentaries / Breaking Stories / News Archives
_http://www.indymedia.org_ (http://www.indymedia.org/)
Independent News Media -- breaking news stories and news archives
Information resources on electronic voting _History, Background, and Analysis: Stolen Election Deja Vu_ (http://www.nov3.us/stolenelection.php)
"No Stolen Election" resource page
_h_ (http://www.unknownnews.org/041105comvot.html)
News archive of Nov. 2 incidents and early warning stories tracing blackbox
BROADCAST MEDIA Exposing Electoral Fraud
_http://www.votergate.tv/_ (http://www.votergate.tv/)
A 30-minute downloadable video, the best blackbox documentary available.
Send contributions to complete a 90-minute feature in the works.
Air America (in San Francisco, radio station 960 AM)
Radio show host Randi Rhodes is leading the charge with a national listening
audience of 4 million.
Download audio, articles, resource links from _http://www.therandirhodesshow.com_ (http://www.therandirhodesshow.com/)
Pacifica Radio Network (in Bay Area, radio KPFA, FM 94.1)
_http://www.DemocracyNow.org_ (http://www.democracynow.org/)
The Amy Goodman syndicated radio and television news show, aired on Pacifica
BACKGROUND on Voting Laws and Machines
_http://www.verifiedvoting.org_ (http://www.verifiedvoting.org/)
Legislation, litigation, news, media, action guides
Interactive database listing voting machines and procedures used in every county in the U.S.
Elections Divisions, FL and OH
_http://enight.dos.state.fl.us/_ (http://enight.dos.state.fl.us/)
Florida Department of State, Elections Division
Ohio Secretary of State
More In-depth Article List – (Thanks to Prof. Hugh Urbana from Ohio State University for this list).
Pre-Nov. 2 articles warning of the possibility of electronic voting fraud and
other problems
Computer Voting is Open to Easy Fraud, Experts Say (New York Times)
Black Box Voting Blues (Newsweek)
_http://msnbc.msn.com/id/3339650/_ (http://msnbc.msn.com/id/3339650/)
How They Could Steal the Election this Time (The Nation)
More Problems Arise with Black Box Voting (USA Today)
Charges of Fraud and Voter Suppression Already Flying
Twelve Ways Bush is Now Stealing the Ohio Vote
Voter Fraud and Disenfranchisement
See also_ http://blackboxvoting.org/_ (http://blackboxvoting.org/)
Evidence of Voting Fraud in the Nov. 2 Election
Black Box Voting declares 2004 Election a Fraud
_http://blackboxvoting.org/_ (http://blackboxvoting.org/)
Evidence Mounts that Vote was Hacked
Florida Rigged the Optical Scanners
_http://blog.democrats.com/florida_ (http://blog.democrats.com/florida)
Votes Lost and Extras Counted in E-voting Errors
Kerry margins: Exit Poll vs. Actual Vote
Was the Ohio Election Honest and Fair?
2004 Election Vote Fraud
Exit Polls and Actual Polls Don't Match
Fixed: The Stealing of Another Election
Massive Voter Suppression and Corruption in Ohio (Global Research, Canada)
Voting Machine Error Gives Bush Extra Ohio Votes (NBC)
Michael Moore's Election Watch, 2004, with reports of fraud from every state
Ohio Voting Fraud reports
Russian Observer Shocked by U.S. Election Procedures
Signs of Voter Fraud Appear (LA Times)
Voting Machine Controversy
Electronic Voting Machine Woes Reported (ABC News)
More Evidence of Voting Machine Errors
Lists of other articles on the subject:
_http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archives/cat_vote_fraud.html_ (http
About Bay Area ReDefeat Bush
During a 7-month campaign to unseat the illegitmate occupier of the White
Bay Area ReDefeat Bush enlisted 500 volunteers who placed 67,000 phone calls
to register new
Democratic voters and get out the vote in swing-states Oregon (50,000 calls)
and Nevada (16,000 calls).
We called an intial list of 23,000 single, unregistered women in Oregon.
We followed that with a second list of an additional 15,000 women.
We re-called approximately 8,000 numbers we did not get through to on the
first attempt.
We mailed out fact-filled letters and voter registration forms to about 5,500
nonregistered Oregon women we spoke to directly, or whose address
and identities we confirmed.
In the last three weeks of the campaign, we made another round of 4,000
get-out-the-vote follow-up calls to that group of 5,500 Oregon women.
In the final month, we also opened up a second front in Nevada, placing
16,000 to Washoe and Carson counties working
with call lists provided by America Coming Together in Reno.
We are happy to note that Oregon had one of the nation's largest percentage increases in new Democratic voters of all the states this election.
We believe a fair audit will show we actually won in Nevada too.
Two weeks before the election, our service provider, Liberty Wireless, shipped 2700 cell phones to the Democratic National Committee.
Having invented the cell phone voter outreach model, ReDefeat Bush regards this move by the DNC (however late in the game) as the sincerest form of flattery.
Funding Report: What We Need to Balance
We accomplished all of the above without a headquarters, and with just one paid organizer, for a total cost of just under $20,000, raised through merchandise sales and individual donations. We have enough in the bank to pay our final phone bill of $3000, but will be left with a deficit of $3000 for the operating expenses of postage, printing, and gasoline that were paid out of the organizer's wages. If you took part in the Calling Crews, or appreciate the work we have done for the cause, and have not already contributed, will you please send a donation now to help close the debt. The mailing address for contributions is available by sending an e-mail to
_dan@r..._ (mailto:dan@r...) .
To the same financial end, ReDefeat Bush has RDB Wearables and Collectibles available at post-campaign price reductions.
ReDefeat Bush swag and clothing has been in declining supply because no more of it is being printed.
If you are into political collectibles, or just like to stick it to Bush, this is your opportunity. We have:
"Rosie" (Pelosi) posters and large postcards
Al Gore "American P.I.E." (President in Exile) posters
RDB Classic Tees in S, M, L, XL, and the Medium One-size Women's cut.
RDB buttons and bumperstickers
a few remaining Bushocchio dolls,
our one-of-a-kind "Don't Get Screwed Again" RDB condoms (tons of them) and--just in time for Stolen Election protests in the winter rain--our great big, defiant ReDefeat Bush umbrellas.
In massed array, they make an inspiring show of democratic resistance in
massed assembly.
When you go out in the streets to protest the Bush putsch, look for our
umbrellas. We'll be there.
What's Next:
The national ReDefeat Bush website will continue to host a Bay Area ReDefeat Bush page, and the current e-mail contact and cell phone number for Bay Area ReDefeat Bush will be maintained to provide a conduit for information and organizing resistance to the stolen election. We welcome any proposals for organizing volunteer action and collaboration to audit the election and recount the vote. ReDefeat Bush will ally with any and all who are determined to overturn this electoral theft and win back the legitimate representative national government that is our right.
Dan Ashby
SF Bay Area Field Organizer
e-mail: _dan@r..._ (mip://06d9b208/dan@redefeatbush.com)
cell: (415) 595-1289 [note changed number]
ReDefeatBush.com brings together Democrats to register voters by phone and mail in key battleground states. _http://www.ReDefeatBush.com_ (http://www.redefeatbush.com/)
Click direct link below for Bay Area Crew listings, announcement, special
_http://www.redefeatbush.com/bayarea_ (http://www.redefeatbush.com/bayarea)
To contribute: _http://www.redefeatbush.com/donate_
To volunteer: _http://www.redefeatbush.com/volunteer_
To buy our stuff: Contact regional coordinator, or shop online at _http://www.redefeatbush.com/store_ (http://www.redefeatbush.com/store)
To: _undisclosed-recipients:_ (mailto:undisclosed-recipients:)
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 10:46 AM
Subject: ReDefeat Bush : Overturn the Stolen Election
From ReDefeat Bush, One Week After:
Repeal the Stolen Election
Action Recommendations (no time to waste)
News Links and Organizing Resources
The links in this newsletter are live. If you preserve this e-mail as a file
for reference, you can use it to click and retrieve articles and send
Overview: What's Wrong with this Picture?
Does this sound familiar?
"As we recover from the shock of the election results, it's time to
rededicate ourselves to the job of organizing a new progressive majority. . . "
Might as well take a nap for the next 40 years, because it's lights out in
America. The Constitution is going bye-bye.
Make that a dirt nap. Democracry will be dead.
Wake UP! Bush didn't win. Kerry did. Republican thieves stole the election.
If we don't stop this NOW, before states certify those fraudulent votes and
the Electoral College makes the swindle official, the rightwing extremists that are the GOP and Bush regime will have a lock on every branch of government and will render the practice of democracy as we have known it impossible.
There isn't going to be any prospect for "organizing a new progressive
minority" unless we halt the quiet fascist coup right now.
Expose the fraud, halt the state vote certifications, enforce vote audits,
and suspend the scheduled Dec. 13 Electoral College
until we can have an honest national election.
And then we can think about six, eight, and ten-year plans on the liberal
Reports are pouring in about precincts--particularly in the key battleground
states-- where the number of votes cast exceeded the number of voters in the
precinct. And the extra votes are going to Bush.
In Cuyahoga County, OH (greater Cleveland), the official tallies of 29
different voting precincts showed more votes than registered voters,
totalling 93,000 extra votes in that county alone. In Fairview Park, 12
miles west of Cleveland, there are 13,342 voters registered and there were
18,472 votes cast.
In Miami County, OH, with 100% of the precincts reporting at 9am EST
Wednesday, Nov. 3, Bush had 20,807 votes (65.80%) and Kerry had 10,724 (33.92%).
Miami reported 31,620 voters. Inexplicably, nearly 19,000 new ballots were
added after all precincts reported, boosting Bush's vote to 33,039 (65.77%) to
Kerry's 17,039 (33.92%).
CASE is investigating why the percentage of the vote stayed exactly the same to three one-hundredths of a percentage point after nearly 19,000 new ballots were added. CASE members speculate that it's either a long-shot coincidence with the last three digits remaining the same, or that someone had pre-set a database and programmed a voting machine to cough up a pre-set percentage of votes. Miami County uses an easily hackable optical scanner with the central counter provided by the Republican-linked vendor ES&S.
In Florida, counties using e-touch voting machines showed an average vote gain of 29% for Republicans and a 23.8% increase for Democrats. However, the counties that used optical scan vote machines showed drastic differences. Republicans gained by 128.45% in counties using optical scan voting machines while Democrats had a -21% loss (yes, negative 21%). Some districts in Florida showed gains over 400% while one, Liberty County, gained over 700% for Republicans.
Here's the chart of Florida county voting returns from the fourth reich
dimension: _http://ustogether.org/Florida_Election.htm_
How are results like these possible?
Air America Radio's Mike Malloy gave the most succinct and passionate
explanation in his Wednesday, November 3, 2004, program
The American vote count is controlled by three major corporate players, Diebold, ESS, Sequoia, and a fourth, SAIC, Science Applications International. All four are hard-wired into the Bush power structure, the Bush crime family.
They have been given millions of dollars by the Bush regime to complete a sweeping computerization of voting machines that were just used in the 2004 election. The technology involved had a trial run during the 2002 mid-term elections. Georgia had Diebold machines in every precinct. As a result, a popular Democratic governor and senator were both unseated in what the media called an 'amazing' 16 percent swing.
Diebold's Walden O'Dell, a top Bush fundraiser, publicly committed himself to delivering his home state Ohio's votes to Bush. At Diebold, the election division is run by Bob Urosevich. Bob's brother, Todd, is a top executive at rival ES&S. The brothers were originally staked by Howard Ahmanson, a member of the Council For National Policy, a right-wing steering group stacked with Bush true believers. Ahmanson is also one of the bagmen behind the extremist Christian Reconstruction Movement, which advocates the theocratic takeover of American democracy.
The four companies are interconnected; they are not four “competitors. Ahmanson has large stakes in ES&S, whose former CEO was Republican Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska. When Hagel ran for office, his own company counted the votes, and his victory was considered “an amazing upset.†Hagel still has a million dollar stake in ES&S camp.
Sequoia is the corporate parent of a private equity firm, Madison Dearborn,
which is partner in the Carlyle Group.
Meanwhile, SAIC is referred to a “shadowy defense contractor.†They have gotten into the vote count game both directly and through spinoffs by its top brass, including Admiral Bill Owens, former military aide to Dick Cheney, and Carlyle Group honcho Frank Carlucci and ex-CIA chief Robert Gates. SAIC's history of fraud charges and security 'lapses' haven't prevented it from becoming one of the largest Pentagon and CIA contractors, and will doubtless encounter few obstacles in its entrance into the vote counting business.
The mad rush to install these unverifiable computers is driven by the Help America Vote Act, signed by Bush! The chief lobbying group pushing for the act (while we dumb asses sat out here and thought,˜That sounds like a good idea!) was a consortium of arms dealers including Northrup Grumman and Lockheed Martin.
When you hear people saying,˜take a deep breath, we will pull through this, ˜we need to work harder",˜we need to organize" no. We will not. It's over.
Unless electronic vote tabulation is history, and these companies are driven out of business, it's their country. Not ours."
Washington Post managing editor Steve Coll wrote in an online chat on Nov. 3 that the last wave of national exit polls we received showed Kerry winning the popular vote by 51 percent to 48 percent which if true, is surely enough to carry the Electoral college. [NYT, Nov. 5, 2004]
Around the world, exit polls are used to verify that elections are free from fraud. Exit polls have accurately tracked U.S. elections for 200 years--up until Florida in 2000.
In the 2004 election, polls in precincts using computer voting machines with
no paper trail were consistently at odds with the reported outcome, while polls in precincts using paper ballots matched the outcome.
[Reclaim the Commons]
Greg Palast and other researchers captured election night screen shots of the early exit poll numbers, then noticed that in the wee hours of the morning, CNN and AP substituted the "actual" voting results to replace the accurate, earlier exit numbers. So, the mainstream news agencies are in on the fix, caught on video stuffing evidence down the memory hole.
To believe that Bush won the election, you must also believe:
...that the exit polls were wrong;
...that Zogby's 5pm election day calls for Kerry winning Ohio and Florida
were wrong (he was exactly right in his 2000 final poll);
...that Harris' last-minute polling for Kerry was wrong (he was exactly right in his 2000 final poll);
...that incumbent rule #1 - undecideds break for the challenger -- was
...that the 50% rule - an incumbent doesn't do better than his final polling
-- was wrong;
...that the approval rating rule - an incumbent with less than 50% approval will most likely lose the election - was wrong;
... that it was just a coincidence that the exit polls were correct where there was a paper trail and incorrect (+5% for Bush) where there was no paper trail;
...that the surge in new young voters had no positive effect for Kerry;
...that Kerry did worse than Gore against an opponent who lost the support of scores of Republican newspapers who were for Bush in 2000;
...that voting machines made by Republicans with no paper trail and with no software publication, which have been proven by thousands of computer scientists to be vulnerable in scores of ways, were not tampered with in this election."
--posted by "TruthIsAll" on the DemocraticUnderground.com forum
Those who, like Kerry, have folded like so many lawn chairs, apparently believe there's no use contesting because the theft was so adept, without a trace, that we'll never be able to prove a thing.
We don't have to track down all 36 million paperless votes. We just have to demonstrate the statistical certainty beyond a reasonable doubt that systematic electoral fraud was committed in one key swing state, either Florida or Ohio.
There are plenty of actionable causes in either.
It's up to us, not the captive corporate press, to bring the evidence to the
forefront of national attention.
286-252, President Bush or 277-259, President Kerry?
Ohio electoral votes: 21
Bush 286 minus 21 = 265
Kerry 252 plus 21 = 276
Result, Kerry 276 to Bush, 265
Florida electoral votes: 27
Bush 286 minus 27 = 259
Kerry 252 plus 27 = 279
Result, Kerry 279 to Bush 259
"We beat him once, we'll beat him again"
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